My new assistant has a cat named Arlo. He is a city cat but thinks he might like to check out Red Skye. Since he is an indoor city cat I do not think he would do well here but to keep him happy I told him I would put his picture on my blog. He says he hears so much about me and my farm mates and especially about Phoebe so I guess it is ok to post his picture. I think you will understand after seeing his picture why I do not think he would do well at Red Skye
Zippy reporting
Red Skye news from Reporter Zippy
I really am happy dictating to my assistant. It is much easier for me. Winter is coming. Today was really cold.
We have a new member of our Red Skye Family. Her name is Mama G and I am keeping her close to me while she settles in and learns her way around the farm. I will send another picture next week. She says she likes living here and she is happy
News from Zippy
Hi friends,
I know I have not written blogs as often as I would like to. We have been very busy so I have not had much time to sit at my computer and write. I think I have found someone to be my personal assistant so hopefully I will write more often. I really do like dictating better than keyboarding. My hooves are a little large for the keyboard. So, as soon as I have more news I will write my blog. In the meantime hope you all are enjoing this beautiful weather
Halloween is so fun!
Hi Guys, how was your Halloween? I want to thank everyone that came to the Halloween party here, even though it was raining. We had BLAST! I, of course, dressed up as a unicorn- with sparkles and ribbons everywhere. There were a lot of people at the party that looked like they were having a great time. All of the kids came over and had pony rides and some even dressed in their Halloween costumes! There were scary decorations, food, drinks, and lots of candy! I even got lots of treats for being such an awesome unicorn. My friend Tucker came over for the party too! He is a pretty cool guy who doesn’t really care about much. He just hangs out with everyone and follows his mommy around sort of like the dogs do. He lives down the road but comes over to play when we have team building and events. Anyway, I hope everyone had fun and I hope to see everyone and more next year!!
Halloween is just around the corner
The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, and there are pumpkins and flowers that look pretty delicious! That means it’s Fall and Fall means Halloween! I don’t really like all of those spooky scary decorations but some of them are pretty good. I do love to see everyone in their Halloween costumes though. I, of course, will also be dressing up this year- as a UNICORN! What will you be dressing up as?
Red Skye is having a Halloween party on November 1st where I will be showing off my wonderful costume and I hope to see yours as well! Everyone is welcome to come- friends and family. W will be having beverages of all kids and appetizers available all evening. You should definitely stop on by to visit everyone!
Please let us know that you are coming by sending an email or calling the office.
Don’t forget:
November 1st, 5:00. Be there!
Hey guys, Zippy here!
Just wanted to remind everyone that Red Skye is having a Hug A Horse event this weekend! For anyone that doesn’t know what that means, Claire and Niki call it an Open House. It’s where you can come meet the staff, learn what goes on around the farm, meet the fantastic dogs, and best of all, me ME! Also there is a payment of one carrot per person but I will let that slide as long as you come up to the barn and say hi. Please pass it around to all of your friends and family.
There will be refreshments served down by the house (although I don’t know who prefers donuts over carrots. Blehh!)
Bring the family, check out the scenery, and bring me a carrot!
Sunday September 28 from 10:00- 12:00
Makaday Visits CMHC!
Oh My Goodness I forgot to tell you!
This past weekend Makaday went on a field trip. He was gone for only a few hours, so I knew it wasn’t a horse show- we all know those take a long time. When he got back he told me all about the fun that he had!
Makaday said that he rode in the trailer for about a half hour. Then when he got off he was in the middle of Downtown New Haven! When he looked around he recognized that he was in front of the Connecticut Mental Health Center, where he had been before. He stood out front on the grass and greeted people as they were entering the Farmer’s Market. He said that there were a lot of people asking why he was there and if it was alright to pet him. Most of them came over, said hello, and gave him a treat. Some of the people even took a few selfies with him!! I really hope I get to got down there some day- it sounds like a lot of fun! Claire and Niki say that one day I will get to go but that I am not ready yet. I hope “one day” comes soon!
Remember to come see us at Hug a Horse! Keep checking back to stay updated!
Updates from Zippy
Hey guys! I have been busy doing lessons and pony rides with all of my kids so I haven’t kept you updated. There has been a lot going on at the farm recently.
Claire and Niki have been doing some renovations on the dumpster ramp and now it looks awesome! It’s almost like a patio!
They also had Katrina come over and help make a new shark jump! It looks really cool, you should come see it! Brigitta was a little scared of it at first, but I helped explain to her that it wasn’t a real shark and she relaxed. She was even the first one to jump it!
Last but not least, we are having a Hug A Horse event on Saturday September 20th. from 10-12. Everyone should come by to say hi. Ya know, I really do love those carrots!
Hope to see you soon!
Summer Program Has Been Great!
It’s been so busy here at the farm. Our summer riding program has really taken off! I have met so many new riders and shared so many good times with them! While the summer nears to an end, I will remember each an every rider until they come back for our next summer riding program. We have gotten to do so many fun things. We ride and do art and crafts, like tye-dying shirts! Some riders even got to ride Makaday and we all learned together! You can see it in the photo below!
Oh my, it’s hot outside!
Who else is loving this warm weather! Gosh, it sure beats snow! I lost all my warm hair and now I am just bathing in the sun. It sure is lovely. The sun makes me feel all warm inside so I stand out in my paddock with my friends and bask. I don’t mind being in the sun, it make me happy. Sometimes, when it’s super duper hot out, my people give me a nice cool bath. It is so refreshing on the humid days. I hope you all are enjoying the summer. I wish it lasted forever!