Our First Open House!

I have some exciting news for you! One Friday, April 4 Red Skye, the farm I live at, will be hosting an open house. This is when everyone in the community, or near and far, can come visit me and all my horse friends. Everyone will also be able to meet Dr.Wiseman and Niki, they help people like I do in therapy. Come visit me and my friends from 4-6 P.M on April 4! I am looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends! It’s going to be a blast so save the date! See you all then!

Naked Horse Alert!

It is so nice not to have my blanket on! For the last few days me and my friend Makaday had the chance to go out in the front pasture and play. No one had to wear their blankets either, it was so freeing!  We got to eat hay with our blankets off, play with our blankets off, and stand in the warm sun!  This means that brighter  days are ahead of us.

naked zippy


Two Fourth Places!

I have some exciting news! We placed fourth twice at the Westbrook show this past weekend! It was so exciting to go to a show with my rider. While it was a little chilly, we all had a lot of fun.  Just look at the pictures below! My face and my rider’s says it all! I even behaved for the entire show….well, I think I behaved through the entire show hahah!

Zippy Westbrook Show Zippy Westbrook Show 2

It’s Our First Show!

Hey guys! Guess what!? I have some exciting news to share with you all. I will be taking one of my riders to their first show this weekend! On Sunday, we will be going to Westbrook for our first show together.  I have been showing for a while, but this is my first time with this rider! It is going to be a great experience for both of us. I hope they are looking forward to it just as much as I am. I can’t wait to show everyone what we have been working on in the arena together.  We have been making a lot of progress together and now we have a chance to show it off. I am so excited for this weekend! Wish us luck! Check back next week to see what we have won!

Brr! It’s Cold!

IMG_77281    Hey everyone! It sure has been cold out lately! Am I the only one enjoying the snow? I think I look pretty cute in Claire’s hat.  It’s keeping my ears warm! The amount of snow we have here at the barn is almost as tall as I am! Makaday and I hope everyone is keeping warm in this winter weather! Check back next week to see what I’m up to! Stay warm everyone!

Zippy’s Blog

Hello! My name is Zippy. I am a Welsh Pony and I live at Red Skye. I enjoy giving lessons to beginner riders and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. During the day, I hang out in my paddock with my friend Makaday.  He is a black Quarter Horse who enjoys giving lessons too. When he’s away  in the arena, I miss him. But when he comes back, we eat hay together. Check back in a week to see what we’re up to!