Oh My Goodness I forgot to tell you!
This past weekend Makaday went on a field trip. He was gone for only a few hours, so I knew it wasn’t a horse show- we all know those take a long time. When he got back he told me all about the fun that he had!
Makaday said that he rode in the trailer for about a half hour. Then when he got off he was in the middle of Downtown New Haven! When he looked around he recognized that he was in front of the Connecticut Mental Health Center, where he had been before. He stood out front on the grass and greeted people as they were entering the Farmer’s Market. He said that there were a lot of people asking why he was there and if it was alright to pet him. Most of them came over, said hello, and gave him a treat. Some of the people even took a few selfies with him!! I really hope I get to got down there some day- it sounds like a lot of fun! Claire and Niki say that one day I will get to go but that I am not ready yet. I hope “one day” comes soon!
Remember to come see us at Hug a Horse! Keep checking back to stay updated!